
  • ASP DBHelper 추가사항
    Web Program/ASP/PHP/JSP 2008. 5. 23. 02:07

    흠..taeyo사이트의 안재우님이 만들어주신 DBHelper를 잘 사용하고 있다가..
    몇가지 추가할부분이 생겨서...개인적으로 안재우님 소스는 건들지 않고..
    추가적으로 내소스를 수정하였다...흠..

    '수정일: 2008.4.20
    '클래스지정용도: 페이징클래스 병합
    public Function beforePage(imgFullName,strGetString)
     if currentPageNo > intPageSize then
      writePage = "<a href='"& thisPageName &"?pageNo="& intPageEnd & strGetString &"'>&nbsp;<img src='" & imgFullName &"' align='absmiddle'>&nbsp;</a>"
      writePage = "&nbsp;<img src='" & imgFullName &"'  align='absmiddle'>&nbsp;"
     end if
     beforePage = writePage
    End Function

    public Function afterPage(imgFullName,strGetString)
     if (intPageEnd + (intPageSize + 1)) <= intPageCount then
      afterPage = "<a href='"& thisPageName &"?pageNo="& intPageEnd + (intPageSize + 1) & strGetString &"'>&nbsp;<img src='" & imgFullName &"'  align='absmiddle'>&nbsp;</a>"
      afterPage = "&nbsp;<img src='" & imgFullName &"'  align='absmiddle'>&nbsp;"
     end if
    End Function

    public Function pageList(writeList,startHTML,endHTML,startThisHTML,endThisHTML,strGetString)
     pageGroupNum = intPageSize
     startPageNumber = intPageEnd + 1
     writePage = ""
     if writeList = 0 then
     if currentPageNo > 1 then
     writePage = " <a href='"& thisPageName &"?pageNo="& startPageNumber & strGetString &"'>"& startHTML & startPageNumber & endHTML &"</a>"
     writePage = " "& startThisHTML & startPageNumber & endThisHTML &" "
     end if
     Do While (pageGroupNum > 0) and (startPageNumber <= intPageCount)
     if currentPageNo = startPageNumber Then
     writePage = writePage & " <b> "& startThisHTML & startPageNumber & endThisHTML &" </b> "
     writePage = writePage & " <a href='"& thisPageName &"?pageNo="& startPageNumber & strGetString &"'>"& startHTML & startPageNumber & endHTML &"</a> "
     end if
     pageGroupNum = pageGroupNum - 1
     startPageNumber = startPageNumber + 1
     end if
     pageList = writePage
    End Function

    public Function firstPage(imgFullName,strGetString)
     if currentPageNo > 10 then
      firstPage = "<a href='"& thisPageName &"?pageNo=1"& strGetString &"'><img src='"& imgFullName &"' border='0' align='absmiddle'></a>"
      firstPage = "<img src='"& imgFullName &"'  align='absmiddle'>"
     end if
    End Function

    public Function lastPage(imgFullName,strGetString)
     if intPageCount > 10 and intPageCount > currentPageNo then
      lastPage = "<a href='"& thisPageName &"?pageNo="& intPageCount & strGetString &"'><img src='"& imgFullName &"' border='0' align='absmiddle'></a>"
      lastPage = "<img src='"& imgFullName &"'  align='absmiddle'>"
     end if
    End Function
    '수정일: 2008.4.20
    '클래스지정용도: getRows 생성
    public Function Returngetrows(fnc_query)
     Set Rs = ExecSQLReturnRS(fnc_query,Nothing,Nothing)

     if not(Rs.bof or Rs.eof) then
      ArrGetRows = Rs.getRows()
     end if

     Set Rs = Nothing

     if isArray(ArrgetRows) then
      Returngetrows = ArrGetRows
      Returngetrows = null
     end if
    End function
    '수정일: 2008.4.20
    '클래스지정용도: 글의 합계와 페이지를 위해 넘겨줌
    public Function totalquery(fnc_idx,fnc_tableName,fnc_where,fnc_count)
     query = "Select count(" & fnc_idx &"),CEILING(CAST(count(" & fnc_idx &") as Float)/" & fnc_count & ")  from " & fnc_tableName &   fnc_where
     Set Rs = ExecSQLReturnRs(query,Nothing,Nothing)

     If Not(Rs.Bof Or Rs.Eof) Then
      total_Count = Rs(0)
      totalpage_Count = Rs(1)
      total_Count = 0
      totalpage_Count = 0
     End If

     Dim arrCount(1)
     arrCount(0) = total_Count
     arrCount(1) = totalpage_Count

     totalquery = arrCount
    End Function
    '수정일: 2008.4.20
    public Function columnsApply(fnc_tableName,k,fnc_array)
     query = "sp_columns " & fnc_tableName
     Set Rs = ExecSQLReturnRs(query,Nothing,Nothing)

     if not(Rs.Bof or Rs.EOf) then
      columnsgetRows = Rs.getRows()
     end if

     Set Rs = Nothing
    End Function

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